Quick Quotes~ “How unspeakably wonderful to know that all our concerns are held in hands that bled for us.” – John Newton 

As I’m currently riding in the car, heading towards a much needed lake trip, this Quick Quotes will actually be quick;) I’m trying to go “unplugged ” for the most part, so this will be the only post of the week

“How unspeakably wonderful to know that all our concerns are held in hands that bled for us.” -John Newton

This month I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to put my life in God’s hands. Not just saying, “Well yeah, of course I’m a Christian,” but instead declaring, “I am a child of God! He created me in His image and formed me in my mother’s womb. I am imperfect and can not make wise decisions on my own. But Christ is perfect and bled and died for my sins. Because of His unbelievable love, I can believe.” 

John Newton, the composer of Amazing Grace, has an incredible testimony (I would definitely recommend looking into his story). This quote of his, “How unspeakably wonderful to know that all our concerns are held in hands that bled for us,” is very humbling and true. It is so amazing to know that all of our worries are held in the hands of one who died to set us free. Put your trust in Jesus. Only His blood covered hands can share our burdens. 

I hope you all have a great week! Comment down below if you have anything to add. I would love to hear your thoughts. Also, what posts would you like to see more of in the future? Thanks! 


Watermelon Days.


The arrival of summer means loads of freshly cut watermelon and sunshine. What does summer mean to you? How do you spend your watermelon days? Send me a comment and don’t forget to follow Little Things and Sunshine!

“Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink the wild air.” ~ Emerson

Quick Quotes~ “If it is right, it happens – The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away.” – John Steinbeck

Happy Monday y’all and thanks for stopping by! Today’s Daily Prompt was “Zip”. As soon as I read that word, it was obvious what I should share with you guys.

“If it is right it happens – The main thing is not to hurry, Nothing good gets away.” –

John Steinbeck 

Hurrying, rushing, zipping. Those are probably some of the words that characterize your daily routine. Well congratulations you are officially normal lol. Modern day culture is so rushed. We zip around in our cars, rushing to school, to work, and back home everyday. Let me encourage you to start being abnormal. Take time to rest, pray, and depend on the One Who Holds Tomorrow. It is so easy to get caught up in the zipper of life and forget to look around. Don’t get caught. Take time to look around and remember that what’s important will still be there when you continue forward. Have faith and remember that “If it is right it happens.” 

Have a blessed week!

via Daily Prompt: Zip

Quick Quotes~”True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” – C.S. Lewis


“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less,”

C.S. Lewis 

Humility and humbleness: these two can be so easily misinterpreted. So many of us think that to be humble is to push ourselves down and beat ourselves up. This is so wrong though. We are meant to feel beautiful and loved because we are made by a beautiful and loving Creator! The C.S. Lewis quote, “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less,” speaks truth about how we should view humility. Humility is not thinking that you’re worthless, but it is not constantly pondering your worth and finding your worth within yourself. To have true humility is to believe that your worth and goodness comes from God. Let this help your think of others more than yourself, but also help you remember that you are so very loved and valued.

Have a great day!


Quick Quotes ~ “The road to success is always under construction.”- Lily Tomlin

“The road to success is always under construction.” – Lily Tomlin 

. Have you ever felt like you’re making no progress on your goals or that you’re just failing at everything? Well I have. This is just one of those quotes that really lift my spirit and remind me to keep going.

No one is perfect, nothing is easy, and life is just plain ol’ tuff, but we have to remember that success isn’t instant. Your dreams don’t come flying towards you on a silver platter. The road to success is hard, but it’s also very rewarding. The road to success is also never ending. You’ll never truly be content with what you’ve accomplished in life because your accomplishments and dreams can’t fulfill you.

Just remember, when you’re sitting in that cubicle wishing you were in the Bahamas, that you will get there someday. “The road to success is always under construction,” but that’s one of the things that brings excitement to life. Don’t expect things to be perfect and don’t try to make things happen according to your plan. Sometimes a bridge is going to break and you’ll have to start over, but use that setback to build something even better. Never stop improving. Never stop learning.

I hope you enjoying this weeks Quick Quotes! I challenge you to take those words to heart and apply them to your life.

Have a great day;)


Quick Quotes~ “Life Is Really Simple, But We Insist On Making It Complicated”- Confucius

Welcome to Quick Quotes! (To access the last post in this series click here🙂

Today I wanted to talk about living simple. The whole “minimalist” idea has become a fad for our wardrobe and home, but what about our hearts and the way we respond to everyday situations?

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”- Confucius

We make such a big out of EVERYTHING. Things that are supposed to be so simple can be made complicated very quickly.  Drama is something that consumes life. Imagine how much simpler life would be if we just calmed down. We’ve all had that situation that was so stressful at the time, but as we look back we can see all of the drama that could have been avoided. I challenge you this week to take these words of Confucius to heart, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” Not every situation deserves a response. Not every comment has to have a reply. Let’s simplify our lives by first simplify our hearts. Take a self inventory and think about what truly matters. Think about how you can apply simplicity to your life and actions. Let’s be simple.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s quote! Have a great day and dare to enjoy the little things and sunshine:)

via Daily Prompt: Simple

Quick Quotes ~ “I’ve Been Bent and Broken…”

Welcome to the second installation of the Quick Quotes series (you can click here  for the previous one)! Let’s jump right in…

“I’ve been bent and broken, but -I hope- into a better shape.” ~ Charles Dickens, Great Expectations. 

We’ve all been there at some point. That time when everything seems hopeless and your spirit is just broken. We often don’t see how anything good could ever come out of the situation or process that we’re going through.Those times are just fogged over with so much darkness that we can’t see the positive work going on inside of us.

There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel- I’m sure we’ve all heard this saying plenty of times and I’m here to say it again! God uses the darkest of times to change us and mold us into beautiful creations. If you’re going through something challenging just remember that it will be used to make you better than you were before. Always remember the words of the great Charles Dickens, “I’ve been bent and broken, but -I hope- into a better shape.” Look forward to the hard times. They make you better.

Thanks for stopping by!

Quick Quotes~ “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Hello and welcome to my new series! Quick Quotes is a weekly discussion about a particular quote, Bible verse, or piece of wisdom. I hope that this will give you something to think about and ponder on. So without further ado…. Let’s begin! 

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt 

Recently I’ve been dealing with a lot of negative and just plain out mean people. I guess we all deal with that at some point, but I found myself really sinking and getting mad. That’s why this quote is soooooo important. People are going to tell lies, play games, and say really rude things, but at the end of the day that’s their issue. Not allowing other people’s words and actions make you bitter is very hard to do. Rising above that negativity and not letting those people bring you down to their level is the best thing to do. Don’t return fire with fire, it only makes the burn last longer. Turn the other cheek and don’t allow the words of others make you feel bad. It’s not worth being angry or feeling bad about yourself.

Have a wonderful day and remember the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”